Guttenberg, Iowa
Guttenberg at a glance...
population 1800+, is a beautiful town in Northeast Iowa
approximately 35 miles north of Dubuque along the mighty
French missionaries traveled this portion of the Mississippi
in 1673, they called this area Prairie La Porte, which
translates to "door to the prairie". Guttenberg area was a
site of Sac and Fox campgrounds until 1823. This area
was settled by German immigrants after the last Fox
Indian settlement was abandoned in 1832. They named this
town after Johannes Gutenberg, the fifteenth-century
inventor of the first moveable type.
Guttenberg's riverfront location influenced early
commercial development. The town first served as a focal
point for westward settlement and as an early governmental
and administrative center. Economic revival began
1845 with the influx of hundreds of German immigrants under
the guidance of the Western Settlement Society of Cincinnati
and continued with the development of the lead mining
industry along Miners Creek. The German immigration
began in 1845 and by 1850 the town was quite sizable and
nearly all German.
Guttenberg, incorporated in 1851, had the influence of the German
population which was best indicated by the construction
during the period between 1845 and 1865 of over one hundred stone
buildings. Four large riverside warehouses opened and a large flour
mill, stores, and hotels appeared during this period.
Enjoy a few minutes watching barges, fishermen, and pleasure
crafts pass through the lock and dam. Relax in the
city’s gorgeous riverside park; or visit the aquarium and
Lockmaster's Museum. This charming old river town
features many historic limestone buildings built by German
immigrants. These beautiful buildings are still used for both
residential and commercial purposes. Many of these majestic
limestone structures are pre-civil war era and are on the
national historic register. Enjoy a walking tour of these
buildings through the downtown area. Guttenberg's
Annual Germanfest Celebration takes place the last weekend
of September every year and is a celebration worth visiting

Above is a sample of the beautiful, hand-numbered prints of Guttenberg
recently completed by
renowned artist Gordon Glass which are available locally for $20 each.
Choose from either black and white or parchment (shown). Can
be shipped anywhere in the US for an additional $5!
Email for more information
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