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Licensed in the state of Iowa


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306 South River Park Drive - Guttenberg, Iowa 52052 - Office 563.252.2018
 Jean Green, Real Estate Broker/Agent - 563-880-2018
Michelle Geuder - Insurance/CSR 563-581-6149



Real Estate~

Our listing area is Northeast Iowa; primarily Clayton County, but also including parts of Dubuque, Jackson, Delaware and Allamakee counties.  We market and sell all types of real estate including residential, business and commercial, farms and acreages, lots and development properties.  This agency always has, and always will, cooperate with all other realtors that are willing to do the same.  We also have rentals available- from homes and apartments to commercial space.



As independent agents, we have a selection of excellent companies to chose from to provide you the most economical and inclusive coverage.  The types of insurance coverage available through our office include: Home, Auto, Commercial/Business, Flood, Motorcycles, ATV's, Motorhomes/Campers plus Life, Annuities, Health and Long Term Care.  Call Jean or Michelle for a quote today!.  We are licensed in Iowa, Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Minnesota.  Remember, "It's the Service After the Sale that Makes the Difference"!

If you'd like more information, phone 563-252-2018 or email us at greenins@alpinecom.net

©2007-2023 Degnan-Green Realty and Insurance Service.  Content may not be reproduced or retransmitted without the express written permission of Degnan-Green Realty and Insurance.  All rights reserved.